General Information from the US Center for Disease Control

COVID-19 Specific Information from the Federal Government.

CDC Screening Tool  Use the screening tool (developed by the CDC in partnership with Apple) to help diagnose your symptoms and seek recommendations for treatment.

Interactive COVID-19 Map and Database  This is the map used by the media, healthcare professionals and government to track the spread of the disease.  This map is updated in real time.  Please be aware, this map ONLY SHOWS CONFIRMED CASES….the actual number of infected individuals is much larger.  Only those people sick enough to recognise symptoms and seek treatment, and who are sick enough to be tested and who then test positive will make it to this map.  MANY MORE PEOPLE ARE SICK THAN SHOW UP HERE.  Please follow guidelines and SHELTER IN PLACE.

Federal Government response to COVID-19 This link provides a wealth of up-to-date information regarding COVID-19.  Topics include: Health and Safety, Travel, Money & Taxes, Education, Scams & Fraud, Benefits & Grants, Housing, Voting, Courts, Communications, Business, International Cooperation, Cybersecurity, and more.

The White House Landing Page with current information from the President and links to currently topics.





On April 7, 2020 The City of Crescent updtaed our March 17th Proclaimation with updated information, further recommendations and additional requests to help ensure the safety of our community.

Full text here:Supplemental Emergency Declaration


On March 30, 2020 The City of Crescent is now working under a weekly Incident Action Plan.


On March 27, 2020 The City of Crescent formally applied for assistance from OEM/FEMA.


On March 26, 2020 The City of Crescent enabled the fresh water control portion of the newly installed SCADA system.  This system greatly decreases the work load and is an essential part of our public works continnuity plan.


On March 23, 2020 The City of Crescent updated contingency plans for continuity of services should one or more staff members become ill.


On March 21, 2020 The City of Crescent Library was closed and the City Hall Lobby Area was closed.  The dirve thru window will remain open at this time.


On March 20, 2020 The City of Crescent enabled the Emergency Operations Center.  The EOC objectives are:

  1. Monitor various media outlets, to include local, national and international media to provide situational awareness and develop a common operating picture.
  2. Monitoring of radio traffic and fielding phone calls to document and, if necessary, assist emergency dispatch with coordination of local resources.


On March 17, 2020 The City of Crescent took early action and declared a State of Emergency in response to White House concerns of a Global Pandemic that would impact the United States, The State of Oklahoma, and The City of Crescent.  In the declaration, The City took appropriate steps to 1. ensure the safty of our residents,  2. ensure the safety of our staff, 3. ensure continuity of services in the event that one or more employees becomes ill,  4. provide emergency response in the safest way possible for our emergency responders.

These initial steps included:

  1. All events on city property consisting of 50 people or more must be cancelled or postponed.
  2. All city use permits are revoked from March 17th until May 12th.
  3. City facilities closed during the emergency: Community Center, Sports facilities, Park pavilion and public restrooms.
  4. Municipal Court is continued until April.
  5. Leiniency to water cut off and late fees during the disaster period.


Full text here: Emergency Declaration 03172020




The following link will take you to a page on the State of Oklahoma website with links to the full text of each of Governor Stitt’s Executive Orders regarding the COVID-19 response.

Oklahoma Governor Stitt’s Executive Orders regarding COVID-19




Because of the massive amount of Federal documentation pertaining to COVID-19, it is impractical to duplicate it all here.  I will proivide a link to begin your research and provide the initial White House National Emergency Proclamation from March 13, 2020.

Proclamation on Declaring a National Emergency Concerning the Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Outbreak


The following link will provide information on the ongoing Presidential Actions concerning COVID-19

White House – Presidential Actions


The following link will provide a wealth of information regarding the Federal Government response to COVID-19.

Federal Government response to COVID-19